
We are very positive towards underground mining

For underground coal mining, continuous miner technology has proved to be flexible, productive and more suitable for Indian conditions. Shib Bhowmik, Managing Director, Komatsu Mining Corp, India, shares more on the current scenario and technology trends in underground mining.

thyssenkrupp bags contract from Australia

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has been awarded one of the largest fabrication and construction projects the company has ever handled in Western Australia.

Mining Growth

India is on track to overtake the US as the second-largest coal consumer after China this decade. India wants to more than double coal output to 1.5 billion tonne by 2020. The central government has already taken specific actions including e-auctions of coal blocks; 28 blocks are already allocated and more blocks to be e-auctioned soon.

A Reliable Partner

India is the third-largest producer of coal in the world and has the fourth-largest reserves, with coal accounting for about 67 per cent of the total energy consumption in India. Since coal plays such a significant role in supporting India?s energy needs, its efficient mining assumes great importance for mining companies.